PREHISTORIC is an original series created by Jaime Herrera, who is the founder of Gloppy605 Films. PREHISTORIC revolves around an island in the middle of the north Atlantic ocean, named "Isle Allos" where dinosaurs still exist. "Isle Allos" is located in the "Pangaea Circle", which is a chain of Islands located around "Isle Allos". There are other prehistoric animals on each island, but on PREHISTORIC, we focus solely on Isle Allos, and a few particular animals there. Each of the "characters" if you will, are prehistoric dinosaurs, from various time periods, and we document their struggle to survive. Unlike the original PREHISTORIC, the new show shall be much higher quality. It will have enhanced sound, music and audio, scripted narration, great cinematography, and shall be in HD (720p) and in "Youtube Widescreen". 

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